
As a producer or importer, you are responsible for the collection, recycling and reuse of the textiles you put on the Dutch market. From 2025, the government imposes objectives for collection, recycling and reuse. This is an individual legal obligation that we as a sector organize effectively together. To this end, producer organization Stichting UPV Textiel is developing a collective approach with the help of companies, which have signed up as participants. We are building a realistic and cost-efficient system and testing it with EPR-registered companies. The market will thus help determine what works for the sector, is effective and affordable. 

How to participate?

Producer organization

Stichting UPV Textiel is a formally recognized producer organization. Meanwhile, more than 850 producers and importers have joined Stichting UPV Textiel. The list of participants shows an overview of our participants.

Our goal: a fair and level playing field

Stichting UPV Textiel works very hard to create a level playing field. After all, the law applies to al producers/importers. We believe in a system where everyone who is subject to EPR, should contribute. This way we can set up an efficient, cost effective system for the textile sector in The Netherlands. The EPR-goals set by the government can only be achieved together. We can make the biggest impact with our collective approach, on top of our companies individual performance and initiatives.

How to get the entire sector to participate?

Stichting UPV Textiel works on a request for a General Binding Declaration (AVV). If granted all the producers must participate in one national system. The road to this AVV is an intensive process for which we also need chain partners, municipalities and service providers. They are part of a solid plan which states how we will achieve the EPR goals, a multi-year budget, a description of the textile management structure (a 24/7 national collection and processing system) and its financing. This financing is difficult because the revenues from collected textiles are under severe pressure. In November we will submit the AVV request to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, including the reimbursements for the implementation. We expect to receive a positive decision on this in the summer.

Statement and fee

As a participant, you make an annual declaration of the weight of textiles you place on the Dutch market and pay an annual textile management fee. With this, you contribute to the implementation of the textile management structure needed to achieve the objectives, the promotion of necessary innovation/transition to circular and cooperation for sustainability in the supply chain & processing chain. You submit your statement via Textool, the secure application for your textile administration at Stichting UPV Textiel. In Textool, you can submit statements, manage your data and view invoices. You can log in via the Textool button at the top of the page.

Your final statement of 2024 is due April 1st 2025. We will use this to automatically fill your preliminary statement of 2025 Do you expect there to be any major deviations? If so, you can submit a correction form.

Textile Management Fee

You pay the producer organization a fee for increased and improved separate collection and achievement of reuse/recycling targets, promotion of necessary innovation/transition to circular, cooperation for sustainability in the supply chain & processing chain. The board of Stichting UPV Textiel, consisting mainly of producer executives, annually sets the budget and the provisional and final rate of the textile management fee. The Textile Management Fee is largely determined by costs needed to carry out the collection and processing to achieve the objectives and market coverage of the producer organization. The board of Stichting UPV Textiel, consisting mainly of producer executives, annually sets the budget and the provisional and final rate of the textile management fee. The amount of the fee is largely determined by costs required for implementation of collection and processing and market coverage of the producer organization.

Fee 2025: implementation costs

You pay an average of €0.12 per kilogram throughout the entire year 2025.
In 2025 we will start implementing the collection and processing of textiles. For this the Foundation concludes contracts with collectors and sorters to reimburse them for the net costs associated with the separate collection and processing of textiles to achieve the EPR objectives.

  • No fee until the 1st of July
    The board decided to ask no fee until the 1st of July. We do this to remain competitive and to strengthen our position as the largest representative of producers/importers. In addition, we also indicate the urgency of an AVV. Stichting UPV Textiel offers the government a producer organization with participants who prioritize the realization of a circular textile chain, a working system with chain partners and a reliable non-profit partner that meets the legal objectives.
    The remaining budget from your fee 2024 is enough for the implemention costs up until the AVV. After that all producers and importers have to contribute to the system and pay the same fee. This will create a level playing field and a functioning, comprehensive national collection, recycling and reuse system to meet legal objectives.

  • Your fee after the 1st of July: €0,24 per kilogram
    From the moment of AVV, the Foundation will charge a provisional fee of € 0,24 per kilo for the remainder of 2025, in proportion of the 2025 total weight. The procedure takes time so we expect the AVV in the summer. We advise that you take into account an average fee of € 0.12 per kilogram on an annual bases and to allocate this amount for the total kilograms in 2025.. Participants will receive an invoice for this in the third and fourth quarter.

If there is no AVV on the 1st of September the board decides which fee is needed for the second half of 2025 to meet the obligations. More information on how we allocate your fee can be found in this overview..

Indication fee 2026

The foundation is currently drawing up a muli-year budget for the period from AVV to 2029. In this we take into account the increasing EPR objectives, which require better and more textile collection for more reuse and recycling. When the request for AVV is submitted, the board will announce the indication of the fee 2026.

Refund 2024 fee: start-up costs

Participants who contributed in 2024 to building the system will receive this fee back from 2026 onwards in four yearly terms. The reimbursement will start a year later than planned due to the deteriorated market situation in the implementation and some delay in the request for AVV. The foundation needs all resources in 2025 to finance the implementation costs and meeting the legal obligations.

This is the budget 2025 distribution

The textile management fee 2025 is largely determined by costs necessary for carrying out the collection and processing and the market coverage of the producer organization.

The level of fee 2025 will be determined by:

Implementation costs
  • Budgeted costs to achieve the objectives from 2025 onwards. These take into account scaling up and improving the collection and processing of collected textiles. To this end, we will make agreements with our chain partners this year. It is the first year of implementation and intensive consultation is needed. Issues to be discussed include, for instance, the compensation system for recognized service providers to stimulate high-quality fibre-to-fibre recycling and reuse in the Netherlands. Details will be worked out by the Innovation Expert Group.
  • Costs for implementation of a recognition scheme for recognized service providers, audits and monitoring. 
  • Behavioral research, educating consumers with a campaign and improving awareness of collection points. We will develop his together with producers and chain partners in the Expert Group Communication.
  • Monitoring and reporting (there is already a mandatory report for 2024).
Transition fund innovation

with this we can stimulate innovation for high-quality recycling. For this we call on chain partners to submit proposals that contribute to more high-quality textile recycling.

Organizational costs

Costs for the purpose of organization, development of systems and administration.

Contribution to resilience

This includes the reservation for the guarantee scheme. This covers the costs of collection insofar as the proceeds of the collected textiles fall below the regular average collection costs of a municipality.

Based on the foundation's expected market coverage, experience with other EPR systems and cost research, the board has set an indicative fee of € 0.20 per kilogram for 2025 in November 2023. Based on current insights, this is still appropriate.

The board has appointed a Financial Committee with 3 board members: Udo Delfgou (INretail), Eric Serrarens (Angro) and Jeroen Markink (Wibra). The committee discussed the first draft of the multi-year forecast in April 2024. This provides the contours for the consultation with the chain partners. The result is expected to be available this summer, after which the draft budget for 2025 with a forecast to 2030 can be discussed and adopted by the board.

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